Essay 134: I am, Therefore I am Enough

Essay 134: I am, Therefore I am Enough

I am a daughter of God, an infinite soul locked into a finite body. Here on a journey of which I do not remember the beginning and for which I cannot imagine the end. The script is mysterious and sealed.

Life is perfectly designed yet I am undeniably flawed.

Making mistakes is inherently human but my mistakes have not diminished me. On the contrary they have made me better, have propelled me higher. The ladder I climb to reach Heaven is built upon them.




Failure is success in disguise. Itโ€™s a trick, an optical illusion.
I can choose to be fooled or fueled by it.
Learning from failure is the quintessential expression of a divine spark we all hold within. What a gift!

The pine treeโ€™s only concern is to grow and get closer to the sky. So long as it lives, it will continue to do so, inch by inch, with patience and purpose. It will never give up.

I know that I am here to grow too. I am here to learn. I am here to teach. I am here to fail monumentally. I am here to succeed humbly. I am here to love wholeheartedly.

And this, I now believe with absolute certitude:

I am, therefore I am enough.

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This essay was written as homework for the Hero Builder’s Course (Beta version) I am currently taking. The assignment was to “write a Power Statement stating that you are enough.”

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