Essay 133: A letter to my Godson, Highschool Graduate

Essay 133: A letter to my Godson, Highschool Graduate

My dear precious A,

I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I felt so privileged to be in that room and witness the miracle of your birth. You were the first angel I met in real life and you filled our hearts with awe and wonder.

Back when you were little, we saw you so much more often. When we went out together, I pretended you were mine. My boy. My precious little boy. Together, we spoke French; we ate vegetarian food; we drank smoothies from Jamba Juice.

Then, you started school. I became a mommy. Schedules got busy and unfortunately, your Tonton* and I have not spent as much time with you in the last decade but our love for you hasn’t changed and now, more than ever, we are rooting for you.

This Highschool diploma you just earned is much more than meets the eye. It is your one way ticket to an extremely vague yet exciting destination: Adult Life. There is no turning back and no reason to want to.

The first decision you’ll need to make is whether you are engaging on this journey as the pilot or a mere passenger.

This will be no direct flight. I can guarantee multiple layovers, delays, cancellations, and re-routings. There will be stormy weather at times, bumps and turbulence along the way. Fasten your seat-belt but not so tight that it prevents you from enjoying the journey.

Remember: we all come with baggage. Part of growing up is discovering that we don’t have to drag it along our whole life. At any time, we can leave behind what no longer serves us and choose to fill our suitcases (aka hearts and minds) with new beautiful things:

  • Courage gathered on the hills of hardships overcome.
  • Love harvested in the fields of friendships and marriage.
  • Joy discovered at the well of gratitude deep within.
    Resilience. Patience. Perseverance.

Life is weird and crazy and fun and special and amazing. Good news: there are plenty of fellow travelers. Some, like your parents, your grandparents, your Tonton* and me, are way ahead on the path and eager to serve as your guides. We’ve drawn maps that we can loan you. We’ve discovered treasures we want to share with you. We’ve written Yelp reviews about the Heartache Hotel to avoid and the real cool cafes with shots of Confidence and sides of Determination on their menus.

We are your first class airport lounge, here for you whenever you need rest and replenishment. Our mission is to make your journey as safe and enjoyable as possible. You can reach out to us anytime, from anywhere. This hotline is open to you forever and ever.

Life is like a maze, that twists and turns and confuses and disorients at times. But if it were all easy, it wouldn’t be as much fun either. The challenges make us aware of the heart that beats in our chests, the brain that pulses in our skulls, the goosebumps that tickle at the surface of our skins.

I’ll let you in on a secret. The real way out of the maze is… to find yourself.

Life is not about getting somewhere. It is about becoming someone. Circumstances do not determine who you are. YOU do!

There is no greater adventure than the one you are about to embark on.

For now, sit back, relax and enjoy!


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*Tonton means “Uncle” in French.

2 thoughts on “Essay 133: A letter to my Godson, Highschool Graduate

  1. Oh my gosh, this essay is priceless! Absolutely amazing and so inspirational! Congratulations to your godson and also to you for this piece!

  2. We love you Tati and this is the very reason we chose you as a godmother. Someone who can be an example to him of what is possible in his life. Beyond the dreams of a mom and dad. I have always treasured your thoughts and input and I know Aeryk will soon realize what a resource for knowledge he has with you and Burton. Thank You for always doting on him and just being there for him!

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