Essay 111: Errare Humanum Est

Essay 111: Errare Humanum Est

“Why am I not good? Why am I not perfect?”, my daughter lamented the other night. “You ARE good but you’re right, you are not perfect. That’s because nobody’s perfect. Your Daddy is not perfect. I am not perfect…But… You know what I’m perfect at? I’m perfect at making progress. That’s all that’s required. To…

Essay 77: The one where I don’t like being a mother
Self portrait taken in the first months of mothering. I felt blurry.

Essay 77: The one where I don’t like being a mother

To read the backstory about the circumstances in which I wrote this essay (3 am on a particularly challenging parenting day), please head here. For the sake of transparency and “artistic honesty”, I decided to publish this essay knowing that I will probably be judged for its content. This is for all the moms who…